Miss Payton & Mr. Black Bear's Litter
Brown Male puppy available from Payton and Bear’s Litter. He was born on July 4th and is ready to go home today. He loves to play with his litter mate. It was just the (2) puppies in this litter and his litter mate goes home today so he is very lonely and looking to go home as well. He plays really hard and then crashes when he is tired or just gets done eating. He loves to talk to you and tell you he is hungry and ready to eat. He loves to eat and take naps. We had a customer who had to pull out at the last minute due to a family emergency and was not able to pick puppy up anymore which means he is now available for another family. Please call Marci at 810-223-1457 if you are interested.
We plan to breed again in Sep / Oct, but not sure which females and males yet since we have had so many customers pass this year. We breed according to our deposit list and it’s difficult to determine who will take a puppy or pass again. Please email us at lynnkay04@aol.com for more information on future litters.
Puppy Available
"Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative."
~ Mordecai Wyatt Johnson
Lynn Kay Kennels welcomes our newest litter shown above.
Please feel free to call for information on upcoming litters
We always have customers that pass on current litters
Puppy Update . . .I have contacted everyone our waiting list that has placed a deposit requesting puppies that are ready now. Anyone requesting a black and white is still on the waiting list. Please feel free to contact us if you feel you have been missed. Unfortunately when a customer passes I am not able to tell them when they will be offered another puppy since I contact everyone on the list. We have had so many customers pass during placement time that we are questioning who we will be breeding in the coming months since so many customers are passing without notice. It is becoming difficult for us to breed according to the deposit list since we have no idea who will be passing and we keep ending up having to rush in the last weeks to find placements for puppies. Going forward, we have decided that anyone that is wanting a puppy ASAP will need to place an additional confirmation deposit to secure that puppy. We have contacted everyone who has placed a deposit with us for black and brown males and black and brown females. They have either passed or they are waiting for a later litter, confirmed a puppy, or where placed in our Non-Active folder. This means that they have passed (2) times or more now when asked if they were ready for a puppy. This helps us determine the litters to breed for the year since we were breeding according to the deposit list. Anyone placed in the “Non-Active” folder will let us know when they are ready for a puppy and then we will move them over to the “Active” folder which they will not lose their place in line since we always follow the date the deposit was received. This way it will allow us to breed for anyone in the “Active” folder that are immediately ready for a puppy. We breed throughout the year according to our paid deposit list so we hardly ever have extra puppies that need placed unless everyone passes on the active waiting list. Keep in mind if you choose to pass I might not have another puppy available for awhile. In Jan 2025 we plan to increase our prices on our puppies due the extra cost of supplies, vet bills, food and medicine.
We always have a waiting list because we take deposits throughout the year. We usually always have someone who chooses to pass and wait for a later litter depending on the customers circumstances at the time, but this year we have had multiple passes per litter so going forward we will breeding short so that we will not have extra puppies to place when we have litters. This will mean we will have fewer puppies to offer our customers and some will have to wait for future litters. We just never know until puppies are born and on the ground. We always carry blacks in most of all our litters unless we are breeding specifically for landseers. We had several cusotmers pass on puppies the past three years because of COVID-19. I anticipate having several customers who will continue to pass until they are financially stable again before adding a puppy to their family. Anyone with a deposit will be contacted first for availability when puppies are born and then I work on my follow up folder and post to the website if I have any extra puppies that need to be placed. Again, current wait list is running about 4 months right now, we are breeding as deposits come in each month.
*** We are not breeding specifically for gray and fawn colors anymore because they tend to have allergy issues.
Mother -Miss Cloe Belle (Brown Female)
Chloe will be four years old in July. She is known here at the kennel as our little “Wild Child”. She loves to try your patience. She is a climber and tries to get out of her kennel run all the time or anywhere you put her. She will not listen to mother and me but will listen if you are a man. She minds perfectly well when a man gives the commands. It’s so frustrating because we had to actually hot wire her run so she would stop climbing and coming up and saying, “Look at me I just got out and I wanted to say HI”. She was given back to us because her owner was not able to care for her anymore. She has a bunk mate named Payton who loves to play, and they get along great because they are two peas in a pod. She has been raised in the house most of her life, but she enjoys her playtime with the girls out in the barn. Her temperament has really settled down after having her litter of puppies. She has not tried to jump or get out of her run at all. We even rewarded her by letter her run with one of our males named Bear whom she seems to love as well. She weighs about 130 lbs with a beautiful dark mahogany brown coat. She is such a terrific mother and is very gentle and loves each of our babies. She just needs to work on putting on some weight for the winter.
Mother - Miss Madison (Black Female)
Madison is just over three years old now. She is such a sweetie that just loves attention. She is a little more laid back as opposed to GiGi but still has energy since she is still so young. She loves to play with Anna, GiGi and Peaches who are normally her playmates. They all adore Jackson who has them all fooled. He loves to spend time with them so he can woo them all the time. She loves her treats, but she is not always behaved, but she is more laid back this year than she was last. Anna has rubbed off on her and has taught her how to mellow out. She also has learned this terrible habit of digging because she usually houses with GiGi which she has taught her, but the terrible hot weather we had this past summer did not help break this habit. We are working on correcting this terrible habit, but it takes time. She has been a great mother who loves her puppies and can’t wait to see them for each feeding. She currently weighs about 125 lbs. She will get to be about 135 – 140 lbs. fully grown. Her coat has grown out for winter but is shaved as always in the summer months. We just love having her with us as our new addition to our pack. She is in great health with no medical issues.
Father - Mr. Charlie Brown (Brown Male)
Charlie will be four years old this year. He is our “problem child” in our pack. He is so full of energy and wants to play all the time and will bug you until you cave. He likes to try and see what mischief he is able to get away with mother and me. Unfortunately, he is always in trouble and he knows when he has done something wrong. He used to room with Jake who is our other brown male that is 7 years old, but we had to take him away since he was misbehaving. He will bug him until Jake will ask to be moved and room with Millie for a bit. Charlie is just as big as Jake is now and he is still not fully grown. He weighs about 150 lbs. and will get to be about 160 – 170 lbs. I keep telling mother that he is just a “BIG” baby right now and he will outgrow this activity just as Jackson did when he was younger. He produces very big puppies with lots of wrinkles. He is in great health and no medical issues.
Mother - Miss Willow (Black Female)
Willow is 4 years old now. She has all kinds of energy and loves to play with Madison and GiGi who are normally her playmates. They all adore Jackson who has them all fooled. He loves to spend time with them so he can woo them all. She likes to be enticed by treats but she is not always behaved, and she is learning to not jump as this is her go to when I come out to see her. She has one bad habit that mother aloud when she was little that I hate so much. She likes to grab your shirt, jacket or pants on the side when you meet her or walk up to her. She thinks she will guide you to the area she wants. Mother has learned now that it’s not cute once she is fully grown. It’s a habit we have not been able to break yet. She also has learned this terrible habit of digging which we are working on correcting, but it takes time and this past summer with all the hot weather is not helping. She has been a great mother who loves her puppies and enjoys her feeding time. She currently weighs about 115 lbs. She will get to be about 140 lbs. fully grown. She is taller than our other females and has big boned. Her coat is shaved as always in the summer months. We just love having her with us as our new addition to our pack. She is in great health with no medical issues.
Mother - Miss GiGi (Black Female)
GiGi will be 4 years old in Jan. She has all kinds of energy and loves to play with Willow, Madison and Peaches who are normally her playmates. Peaches was just retired this past summer. They all adored Jackson who had them all fooled. He loved to spend time with them so he could woo them all. She likes to be enticed by treats but she is not always behaved, and she is learning to not jump as this is her go to when I come out to see her. She also has learned this terrible habit of digging which we are working on correcting, but it takes time and this past summer with all the hot weather it did not help. She has been a great mother who loves her puppies and enjoys her feeding time. She loves to give the babies kisses, but just gets up when she is done with them. She currently weighs about 140 lbs. She will get to be about 140 -150 lbs. fully grown. Her coat has grown out for winter but is shaved as always in the summer months. We just love having her with us as our new addition to our pack. She is in great health with no medical issues.
Father - Mr. Black Bear (Black Male)
Bear is 4 years old now. He is the son our beloved Jackson. He is such a big baby who is very well behaved. He is a big boy who rooms with Sofie his playmate, but he has come home to the kennel to be with us for now. He lived in the house with a family of five who spoiled him rotten, but after we lost Mr. Jackson, he needed to come back home. He loves to play and get lots of loving and of course enjoys treats when he minds. He loves to play with the other dogs in our kennel and especially my girls when they come to visit grandma. We never have an issue with anyone not getting along when Sofie or Bear is here at the house. He has a beautiful black shiny coat that is soft and luscious. He weighs about 140 lbs. and will be probably get to be 150 lbs at least when fully grown. He is in great health with no medical issues.
Mother - Miss Payton (Black Female)
Payton is now 7yrs old. She weighs about 120-130 lbs. She is very high energy and active. She is a very strong girl that have not calmed down in her old age. She is our magician of the kennel. She loves to find ways to get out of her run and come up to the house and say, “Hi it’s me and I got out”. She loves being free, but that is not possible all the time and she shows us when she is unhappy. She’s so proud and happy when she finds a way to out maneuver us. She loves to play with Willow and the other younger girls on the property and especially my girls Hazel, Samantha and Leia when I bring them out to the house to visit grandma. We are not able to bunk her with anyone because we do not want her teaching the younger ones her bad habits. He bunkmate is usually wild child Chloe. She absolutely loves attention and enjoys her treats when I am out and about with the dogs. She enjoys running with Bishop when she is not in season. She is in great heath with no medical issues.
Father - Mr. Bishop (Black Male)
Bishop will be 8yrs old in Jan who is also known as the “old man”. He weighs approximately 140-150 lbs. We have worked endlessly the past couple years to get his weight back up to about 150 lbs. since he lost so much when got hurt a few summers ago. He is all better and more spoiled rotten then before since he was basically hand fed that summer. This guy is very big boned and muscular with lots of wrinkles. He is much stockier than our beloved Jackson who was taller and leaner. He loves to play with the girls when he is out with them, but thinks they are all his. He doesn’t realize how big and heavy he is so he can tend to hurt the younger ones if we do not separate before they come in season. This boy has his own way to woo the girls into loving him. He loves attention and has tons of energy. He is not as laid back as our beloved Jackson, but he is still fun to have out and about when I have the girls out and as always, he loves when I bring treats for him and kisses to give. He is another of our males who will always live on the premises for the rest of his entire life. He is very dominant and loves to show who is boss and likes to tease and argue with the other males he bunks next to every night. He is in great health, but just moves a little slower after his accident.
Reserve a Puppy Today!
All questions are always welcome here at Lynn Kay Kennels and we’re always happy to hear how our fellow Newfie dog lovers are doing.
Puppies Sold
Cell: 810-691-4052 – Leave Message
Cell: 810-223-1457 – Leave Message
Email: lynnkay04@aol.com – Preferred
Office Hours: Welcome to call anytime!
If you have placed a deposit and would like a status on your puppy, please call us to verify where your name is located on the waiting list. We want to make sure everyone has been contacted as we have updated our records and did not want to forget about anyone that has placed a deposit. It is much easier for mother to talk to you personally over the phone than through email since she is unfortunately not very computer literate. Most all your emails will be answered by Marci, Linda’s daughter who monitors her email box.